Monday, July 25, 2011

Bay Swims, Double Bricks, and Karaoke!

Holy workouts, batman!! I have updates galore! Where to begin??
Well, I'm about 10 weeks into my road to 70.3 and feeling stronger than ever, with a long way to go....
I should preface this blog entry by introducing you all to Caddy (my brand spankin' new Cannondale Cadd10). When I purchased this pretty little gem, I told the cute bikespert (it can be a word...)  at Mike's Bikes that I may love this bike more than I'll love any man...Should I have said it out loud? Eh, maybe not...But I'm pretty sure I meant it. Check it out -
New wetsuit and bike all in one week? You heard right.

This past weekend was particularly productive. On Saturday we did a super fun swim in Aquatic Park (the water was a warm 60 degrees! Amazing!) followed by a hearty run along the Marina Green.  
Where's Waldo, you may wonder? Bottom left...
MASSIVE reminder to self: Bay swimming is NOT pool swimming. 
I completely lost track of my form and technique that I've worked so hard at in the pool! I plan to embark in the Bay tomorrow afternoon to get down with some serious open water swimming (and SIGHTING!). Wish me luck!

Saturday night the team let loose at a Karaoke Fundraiser. Here's the thing - if you know me, you know NOT to let me within proximity of a Karaoke Bar (key word being BAR). Before I knew it, I was rushing the stage yelling (not singing) Love Shack, Baby Got Back (adorned with just the right amount of ass shaking), ByeByeBye, and probably more...I think there was some Janis Joplin in the mix...and maybe some Spice Girls...It's shameful, really. And all was conveniently captured on video cameras and cell phones by amused (perhaps confused?) team members (all of which will likely NOT make this blog, sorry Mom). 

In any case, you can imagine my distaste (regret, pain, headache, nausea etc) when my alarm woke me up at 6:45am the next day in time for our SUNNY double brick in Woodside. I'm learning quickly (and more so with Team in Training than before) that Triathletes know how to rally. In fact, that's a KEY part of training (right?). So I caffeinated, geared up, and trekked down to the Peninsula for a beefy workout. 

Here I am with one of my many Karaoke-partners-in-crime rehashing the madness of the night before, and getting pumped to Bike-Run-Bike-Run (that's right...DOUBLE BRICK!).

Everything about this workout was awesome. I felt strong, refreshed and exhilarated the entire time (even through the hot and hilly trail run).  And...I'm still a bit sore. 

As with my training, I've made great strides in fundraising but I still have a long way to go. Because I know you just can't wait to donate to LLS in admiration of my hungover brick(s) of glory, I'm giving you this opportunity to visit my page and show your support. AND it's for an AMAZING cause. 

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Last, but not least - GO TEAM!!

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